Why You Should Switch to Blue Cross Animal Hospital

September 6, 2016

Finding a vet is easy; there are a ton of options right here in the Twin Cities.  But finding a great vet can sometimes take awhile. 

I've lived here for eight years, and have had at least one pet for the last four.  I've been to four separate vet clinics, trying to find one that makes me feel comfortable and that doesn't break the bank.  Some have made me feel pressured to choose the most expensive care route, while others have seemed like I was wasting their time.  I've been "vet shamed," which, for anyone who has felt that, is the worst.   There's nothing more frustrating than actively taking your pet in to the vet to help him or her get better, only to be met with condescending stares and tut tut tuts muttered under someone's breath.

Anyways.  The point of the spiel is that recently, I told a few friends about my vet dilemmas.  Each of them recommended their own vets to me, and I decided to take a chance on one of them nearly six months ago.  It was the best decision I could have made.

Blue Cross Animal Hospital on 54th and Lyndale is small - if you aren't familiar with the area, you may even miss it as you drive by.  But their staff is incredible, attentive, and always cheerful.  It's so refreshing to walk in, and no matter what is going on in your dog or cat's world, to have a friendly face greet you with nothing but care and compassion and a willingness to help.

I happen to have a cocker spaniel who has had constant skin and ear issues for the last three years, and I've tried EVERYTHING to fix the problem.  Nothing worked - at least not for more than a month or so.  My new vet decided we should try a combination of meds and allergy treatments, and it's working.  Granted, I'm still due for a check in periodically to make sure all is well, but my little pup seems like a different dog.  

Where once he just lay around, grouchy and uncomfortable, snapping at our other dog and having increasingly guarded possession issues, he is now happy and full of energy, playing with the other pets and wanting to snuggle up with us all in bed every night.

I'd say that's a win, wouldn't you?  If you're looking for a great vet, look no further than Blue Cross Animal Hospital.  They are absolutely worth the switch.

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Guest post by Megan Warner