Why Motivation Matters

July 31, 2016

I work a lot.  I work everyday.  Most days I get up at 4am and will work until 8 or 9pm.  Most people probably laugh when they hear that because they are thinking they would never do that.  I agree, if I just had a regular job and I didn't like what I was doing I won't work that long and that hard.  But that is not the case.  I love what I do and I actually don't like not working.  I feel more comfortable when I am working then when I am not.  I am not sure exactly why that is, but that is how I feel.  I started thinking lately about how I should approach my business and I figured out it is 10x better to think long term.  I want to think about what my career will be like in 30 years.  I want to look back on my life and be proud of the effort I gave.  I don't want it easy everyday.  That is boring.  I like challenges, I like it when the pressure is on and I need to come through for my clients.  Those are the moments in life that test me and its up to me to perform.