Knowing Construction Costs Can Give You $20,000 In Instant Equity

May 20, 2016

Picking out a good home when you don't know a lot about construction costs is hard.  One project that you think will cost $,1000 could turn into $5,000.  Or maybe you don't notice that the garage is falling down and you end up having to pay $15,000 for a new garage. Or because you under estimated the poor condition of the home you should have paid $20,000 less for the property.  I think it is so important to know how much your remodel costs are going to be before buying any property.  This furnace looks really ugly and it scares people away when they see it.  But if the house is listed for $175,000, and it costs $9,000 to fix, but it makes the house worth $215,000, then its a good deal and you better jump on it.  If you didn't know these numbers and you just saw that furnace and decided not to buy it because you were scared of the costs, then you missed out on a really good deal.  So when you go through a home its important to know how much your repairs are going to cost so you can get the best value.