How Much Does It Cost To Add A Bathroom To Your House In Minneapolis?

December 3, 2015

Hey guys, I wanted to take a minute to talk about adding a second bathroom to your home.  Having a second bathroom in your house is a huge convenience and its a very high demand item for a lot of home buyers.  However, having that second bathroom can also make the home you really want a lot more expensive if most of the other homes in your price range don't have that second bathroom.  There are a lot of ways were you can install a second bathroom in your home for a lot less then it would take to purchase a home with that second bathroom.  You can see a huge ROI on a bathroom install project if you do it the right way.  Here is a quick video about the cost to installing a second bathroom in your average Minneapolis home.  Let me know if you need anything, I am here to serve and support you.  612-423-0202